The Anderson Tours story began with A. Gary Anderson, who taught Religion in the Church History department at Brigham Young University for 25 years. During this time he directed tours for BYU and allowed his family to travel with him on multiple occasions. They were inspired as they had personal, spiritual experiences at sacred places while visiting Israel, Egypt, and American and Church History sites. Gary’s passion for the Spirit of Place was contagious, and all nine Anderson children came to appreciate the value and power of being “on site” while learning of the sacred events of the scriptures. As the Anderson children tried to share the excitement and spirit that they had experienced while being taught at these sacred sites, they found themselves often saying, “If you were standing…” or “pretend you were there…” and wishing others could experience similar things as they had with their father.
In 1995, Gary passed away and the Anderson family took a healing trip to the Holy Land to revisit places he had loved and taught so well. Following this memorable trip, two of Gary’s sons, Ron and Clark, decided to offer a similar trip to other family and friends. Pleased with the outcome, they continued traveling—operating under the name Shalom Tours. The name was changed to Anderson Tours, LLC in 2000 and soon American Heritage/Church History itineraries were added to the list of offered trips. Anderson Tours continued providing travel opportunities and found that the thrill of each tour was actually being “on site” to learn and discover the scriptures together—just as Gary loved to do.
As the demand for quality LDS tours increased, the Anderson Family alone was not able to meet the needs of all those who wanted to have the Anderson Tours experience. They found, however, that many of their friends and associates shared their same philosophy and wanted to help others discover the power found in learning from the scriptures on hallowed ground. Anderson Tours expanded, adding several tours and tour directors in order to help as many people as possible to participate. Today Anderson Tours continues to do all it can to bring the power of these sites to each participant and invites you to discover the magic of the “on site” classroom with us as we visit sacred places throughout the world.